Monday, November 15th
Times Events
6:30-7:00 Get ready and leave for school
7:50-8:40 1st hour - AP Lit
8:45-9:30 2nd hour - Forensic Science
9:35-10:20 3rd hour - Honors Trig/PreCalc
10:25-11:10 4th hour - Basic Web Design (online)
11:15-12:05 Lunch/Advisory
12:10-12:55 5th hour - Ceramics
1:00-1:50 6th hour - Independent Living
3:30-4:00 Go pick up brother from school
4:30-5:30 Brother's bowling practice
5:30-8:15 Free time/homework time
8:45-9:45 Karate practice
10:30-11/12am Homework and bedtime